Setup Requirements for the Procurement Dashboard


To enable the procurement dashboard features and preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.

  2. On the Employees tab, check the box for Approval Routing.

  3. On the SuiteCloud tab, check the box for SuiteFlow.

  4. On the Analytics tab, check the box for KPI Scorecards.

  5. Click Save.

On the Procurement Dashboard, you can only view content related to transactions that you have access to. The required features and saved searches that depend on them are listed in the following table. Take note of saved searches that depend on more than one feature.

Required Feature

Saved Search/Portlet

Purchase Orders

Purchase Order to Approve

Vendor Delivery Performance

Supply Plans Awaiting Purchase Order


Purchase Order to Place

Blanket Purchase Orders

Blanket PO to Approve

Blanket PO to Release

Purchase Contracts

Contracts to Approve

Expiring Contracts

Open Contracts by Vendor

Contracts Close to Maximum Value

Request for Quotes

Request for Quotes Awaiting Response

Request for Quotes Awaiting Award

Demand Planning

Purchase Orders to Reschedule

Late Purchase Orders

Supply Plans Awaiting Purchase Order

Assembly Items

Supply Plans Awaiting Purchase Order

Work Order

Supply Plans Awaiting Purchase Order

Vendor Return Authorizations

Vendor Return Amount

Advanced Receiving

Vendor Delivery Performance


Spend by Department


Spend by Class


Spend by Location

For more information, see Enabling Features.

Installing the Procurement Dashboard

To install the procurement dashboard:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. Install the SuiteApp with the following details:

    • Bundle Name: Advanced Procurement

    • Bundle Id: 57060

For more information, see Installing a Bundle.

Advanced Procurement is a managed SuiteApp and is automatically updated whenever there are upgrades. Issue fixes and enhancements are available after the SuiteApp is updated in your account.

Roles and Permissions

This section contains information about roles and permissions for viewing and publishing the Procurement Dashboard.

Procurement Dashboard Roles

After installation, the following roles for publishing the Procurement Dashboard are added to the Accounting and Shipping center:

To assign these custom roles to users within the Accounting and Shipping center, see Assigning Roles to an Employee. For the Classic center, the Publish Dashboards permission is already enabled for the Administrator role. For other standard and custom centers, roles with the publish permission can setup and publish the Procurement Dashboard. For information about adding the permission, see Procurement Dashboard Permissions. For more information about publishing the dashboard, see Setup Requirements for the Procurement Dashboard.

Procurement Dashboard Permissions

By default, the standard Administrator and custom Publisher roles with the Publish Dashboards permission can publish the dashboard to other roles within their center. For roles from other centers or users who want to share their personalized dashboard, you can add the publish permission to their role record. To access a role record, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles and then click the Edit link for the role to be updated. On the Role page, select the Publish Dashboards permission on the Setup subtab of the Permissions subtab. Verify that the access level for the permission is set to Full.


To personalize the dashboard, enable the Publish Dashboards permission before customizing the Procurement Dashboard.

For more information, see Publish Dashboards Permission. For guidelines when customizing the dashboard, see Customizing the Procurement Dashboard and Best Practices for Customizing the Procurement Dashboard.

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