Combination and Modification of Performance Obligations

On the Merge Revenue Arrangements for Linked Sources page, you can combine or modify the revenue arrangements and elements that represent performance obligations. The options you select on this page determine whether the result of the merge represents a combined revenue arrangement or a prospective merge. To access this page, your role must include the Revenue Arrangement.

Both types of merges share the following characteristics:

The Revenue Summary popup window provides a consolidated view of revenue elements in the arrangement that have been linked by the merge process or manually. For information, see Revenue Summary Details.

The following table shows a summary of the differences between the types of merges.

Combined Revenue Arrangements

Prospective Merges

The new revenue arrangement includes the revenue elements from the original revenue arrangements.

The new revenue arrangement includes new revenue elements with the residual values from the original revenue arrangements.

The original revenue arrangements and sources can be edited.

The original revenue arrangements and sources are locked.

You can select individual revenue elements to merge into a new revenue arrangement.

You must select entire revenue arrangements to create a prospective merge.

The revenue elements and their revenue recognition plans move to the new revenue arrangement.

The revenue elements and their revenue recognition plans are truncated and locked and remain with the locked revenue arrangements. New revenue elements and revenue recognition plans are generated for the residual amounts and included in the prospective merge revenue arrangement.

For details of characteristics that are unique to the different merge types and for merge instructions, see the following topics:

Related Topics

General Notices