Specifying Connection Properties

You can specify connection properties using a connection URL, the JDBC Driver Manager, or JDBC data sources. For a list of the connection properties, see JDBC Connection Properties.

Using the Connection URL

The following example shows a typical SuiteAnalytics Connect JDBC driver connection URL:



The <ServiceHost>, <accountID>, and <roleID> variables correspond to your host name, account ID, and role ID. The values are available on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page under Your Configuration. You can access the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page using the Set Up Analytics Connect link in the Settings portlet when you are logged in to NetSuite. For more information, see Finding Your Settings Portlet.

The user and password connection properties are not shown. These properties are usually specified in the connection properties stored in the java.util.Properties object. Alternatively, they can be supplied as parameters to the getConnection() method.

The connection properties used in this connection URL correspond to the following fields on the SuiteAnalytics Connect Driver Download page under Your Configuration.


Connection Property

Service Host


Service Port


Service Data Source


Account ID

CustomProperties (AccountID)

Role ID

CustomProperties (RoleID)

For examples of connection URLs, see Connection URL Used with JDBC Driver Manager Example.

Using the JDBC Driver Manager

In order of precedence, you can specify connection properties using:

For details, see JDBC Code Examples.

Using JDBC Data Sources

In order of precedence, you can specify connection properties using:

For details, see JDBC Data Source Example.

Related Topics

General Notices