Resubmitting Revenue Arrangements for Approval

Arrangements in Pending Approval status can be resubmitted by any user, with the Revenue Accountant role, who has access to the record. The workflow verifies that the amount of the arrangement has been changed before it can process the resubmission.

Resubmitting unapproved revenue arrangements

Arrangements that have not been approved or rejected can be resubmitted by the same or another reviewer. The Submit for Approval button remains enabled on the Revenue Arrangement transaction. If the arrangement has existing requests for approval, only the most recent request is processed. The other requests for approval are automatically cancelled. Approvers of previous requests are notified of the cancelled request for approval through email. For more information, see Pending Approval.

Resubmitting approved revenue arrangements

For cases where the total amount of a sales transaction has been updated, the reviewer may have to generate the arrangement again. If the arrangement has been previously approved and the total amount has changed, it reenters the workflow and is processed as follows:

Resubmitting merged arrangements

Arrangements can be merged at any time, except if they have already been rejected. When one or more arrangements are merged, both the new and existing arrangements are automatically processed by the workflow. The arrangements are processed according to the following conditions:

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