Merging Vendor Records

When you merge data from a source vendor record into a target vendor record, the target vendor record obtains information from the source vendor. This information includes all activities, transactions, messages, files, cases, and contacts. It also removes other subtab lists data from the source vendor record.

Fields on the target vendor record that were previously blank are filled with data from the source vendor record. Fields on the target vendor record that contained data are not overwritten with data from the source vendor record.

During the merge process, the source vendor record is deleted.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can merge vendor records that have different and multiple subsidiaries. However, both the source and target vendor records must have the same VAT Registration Number.

You should validate that the source and target vendor records contain clean, accurate data before you merge the records.


Merging vendor records is irreversible.


In NetSuite OneWorld, vendor records associated with different subsidiaries can be merged only if they do not have a relationship with a customer record.

To merge two vendor records:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit next to the name of the vendor whose record will serve as the source vendor.

    This is the vendor record that will be merged into the target vendor record. This vendor record will be deleted during the merge process.

  3. On the Vendor page, under Actions, click Merge.


    You cannot merge tax agency vendors.

  4. On the Merge Vendor page, select the target vendor into which you want to merge this source vendor record.

    Both the source and target vendor records must have the same primary subsidiary to merge the records.

  5. Click Merge.

  6. At the prompt to confirm the action, click OK.

  7. On the Duplicate Resolution Status page, the merge is queued for process.

    Click Refresh to process the merge or the Cancel link to halt the merge process.

    The Status column provides the results of the merge.

  8. Go to the target vendor record and verify that it contains the data from the source vendor record.

    If you use the Standard Vendor Form, the System Notes subtab of the System Information subtab displays a line entry for the vendor merge.

  9. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors and verify that the source vendor does not appear in the vendor list.

For more information about merging duplicated records of different types, such as vendors and partners, see Merging Different Types of Records.

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