Working With Workplace Incidents


This feature requires SuitePeople. For more information, see SuitePeople Overview.

To view the list of incidents:

  1. Using the Classic Center, go to Lists > Workplace Incidents > Workplace Incident List. The Workplace Incident List page shows all of the incidents that your company has logged.

    If you are using the Accounting Center, go to Payroll and HR > Lists > Workplace Incidents > Workplace Incident List.

  2. To see all inactive incident records, check the Show Inactives box.

  3. To view an individual incident record, click View beside it.

Deleting a Workplace Incident

As an account administrator, you can delete an incident record. However, in most cases, you should make the record inactive instead. Only account administrators can delete an incident.

Only delete an incident record if you are certain that it is not required. For example, you created an incident record more than one time for the same incident. You can delete the incident record. Another example is that you decided an incident does not meet regulatory reporting requirements. You can delete the incident record.

To delete an incident:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Workplace Incidents.

  2. Click Edit beside the incident you want to delete.

  3. Select Delete from the Actions menu.

  4. When prompted to confirmation the deletion, click OK.

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