Adding a RIDDOR Workplace Incident


This feature requires SuitePeople. For more information, see SuitePeople Overview.

You add a workplace incident when an incident occurs to an employee that meets your regulatory requirements. If your workplace is in the United Kingdom, you are governed by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). You can add an incident from the Workplace Incident List page or from the employee record of the employee to whom the incident occurred. You can also add a new incident with information copied from an existing incident. You do this while viewing the existing incident.

When you are finished filling the information about the incident, click Save. This will save all information currently entered. If you are uncertain about some of the information, you can save an incomplete incident record and edit it later.

To add a RIDDOR workplace incident:

  1. From the Classic Center, go to Lists > Workplace Incidents.

    From the Accounting Center, go to Payroll and HR > Lists > Workplace Incidents.

    Click New Workplace Incident. On the Select a form type page, click Accident Record.

    Alternatively, go to Lists > Employees > Employees. Click Edit or View beside the employee involved in the incident. On the Human Resources subtab, on the Workplace Incidents subtab, click New Workplace Incident. From the Form Type list, select Accident Record. The Workplace Incident page displays the form fields for a RIDDOR Accident Report.

  2. Enter the Accident Book Number and the Accident Record Report Number. You can find these numbers in the hard-copy Accident Book you would have used to first record the incident. Note that the Workplace Incident ID is a unique number generated by NetSuite when you create the incident.

  3. Select a location from the Location list. This is the list of locations defined in your company information.

  4. Enter the date when this form is being completed in the Date of Accident Record Completion field. It defaults to today’s date, but should be set to the date when the incident was recorded in the hard-copy Accident Book.

  5. Enter the date when this incident was first reported in the Date When Incident Was First Reported to the Organisation field.

  6. If you want this incident to be inactive, select the Workplace Incident is Inactive box. This affects how the incident appears on the Incidents list.

To add RIDDOR reporting details:

  1. If the type of incident fits the criteria set by RIDDOR, check the Incident is Reportable Under RIDDOR box.

  2. If you checked this box, enter the Person Who Reported the incident and the Date Reported to HSE. Select the Method of Reporting from the list.

To add incident details:

  1. Enter the date on which the incident occurred in the Date of Incident field. This is not necessarily the date on which you are entering this incident in the Accident Book or NetSuite.

  2. Enter the time at which the incident occurred in the Time of Incident field.

  3. Select the type of incident from the Incident Type list. Note that an incident does not necessarily have resulted in an injury to be reportable.

  4. Enter the immediate cause in the Cause of the Incident field.

  5. Enter where in your workplace (such as the physical area, department, or room) the incident occurred in the Location of the Incident field.

  6. If the incident resulted in an injury, enter information in the If An Injury Occurred, Describe the Injury field.

To add work impact:

  1. If the affected person missed days of work because of the incident, check the Incident Resulted in Days Away from Work box. If you selected Death as the Type of Incident, this setting is not available.

  2. If you checked this box, enter the Number of Days the person missed from work and the Date Returned to Work.

To add attachments:

  1. If you have any files with supporting information, such as pictures, click the Attachments subtab.

  2. Select a file from the Attach File list. To upload a file to attach, click New.

  3. Click Add.

To add affected person information:

  1. To give your organization’s safety representative access to the affected person’s personal information, do the following. Check the Affected Person Has Given Consent to Disclose Their Personal Information to Safety Representative box. Only check this box if the affected person has given consent.

  2. Enter the name of the affected person in one of the following ways:

    • If the affected person is an employee, select their name from the Full Name list. The person’s Occupation, Email, Phone, Address, and Postcode are sourced from the employee record.

    • If the person is not an employee, check the Affected Person is not an Employee box. Enter their name in the Full Name field and complete the rest of the fields in this section.

To add follow-up contact information:

  1. In the Accident Report Completed By field, enter the name of the person completing this form.

  2. Enter the Occupation, Address, Email, Phone, and Postcode for this person.

  3. Select a contact person from the Contact This Person For More Information on the Incident list. This person must be an employee of your organization.

  4. The Email and Phone fields for this contact person are sourced from the employee record.

To add medical care information:

  1. If the affected person had to be treated in a hospital, check the Affected Person Was Treated in Hospital box.

  2. If you checked this box, enter:

    • Name of Physician or Other Health Care Professional

    • Date of First Visit to Facility

    • Name of Facility

    • Facility Address

To add witnesses:

  1. Enter the Name of up to two witnesses to the incident.

  2. Enter the Email and Phone number of the witnesses.

To add notes:

  1. To add a note to the incident form, click the Notes subtab.

  2. Click New Note. Enter the note information.


When you are finished filling out all of the information about the incident, click Save.

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