Test Your Installed SuiteApps (Bundles)


During the testing of your business workflows, you may have thoroughly tested your SuiteApps integrations. If you think there are areas that may have been overlooked in the workflow testing effort, review the information in this section. Add tests to your plan as needed.

SuiteApps may be built and installed as bundles, or built with SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) and installed as files. You should test both types of SuiteApps in Release Preview.

If you have SuiteApps installed in your account, make sure you test them in Release Preview. For third-party applications installed in your account, contact the solution provider and inform them of your Release Preview dates. Make sure you test all of your critical business workflows that rely on the third-party solution and inform the solution provider of any issues you may find.

Behavior of Bundles in Different Account Types

The isolation of Release Preview from other accounts means that there is a difference in which bundles can be installed and how bundles behave. Bundles can be installed from a production account, from a sandbox account, or from a development account into a Release Preview account.


Copy to Account is not supported for Release Preview accounts.


Managed bundle upgrades cannot be pushed to a Release Preview account. If you want to upgrade a managed bundle in a Release Preview account, you must install the bundle upgrade manually. For more information, see the Support for Managed Bundle Upgrade Across Account Types section of Bundle Support Across Account Types.

The above limitations do not apply to SuiteApps built with SDF and installed as files.

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