Entry Point Script Validation Error Reference

The following table describes validation errors that can occur when working with entry point scripts. These errors can occur when you upload an entry point script, when you create a script record, or when you attach a client script to a custom form. Some errors can also be returned when you edit a script file that have already been uploaded to NetSuite, attached to a script record, or attached to a custom form.

Error Code

Error Text (Description)


This file is used by a SuiteScript {1} script; you cannot change the API version of the file.

{1} — SuiteScript version (1.0, 2.0, etc).


Failed to validate script file: {1}

{1} — the script file name.


Invalid JSDoc tag value; valid values are: @NApiVersion [2.X, 2.x, 2.0 2.1]


Invalid JSDoc tag value; valid values are: {1}

{1} — the valid values based on the specific invalid JSDoc tag.


The @NScriptType JSDoc tag is required for 2.0 entry point scripts.


Invalid define call, define should only be called one time per module. Define calls found at the following line numbers: {1}

{1} — the lines in the script file.



SuiteScript 2.0 entry point scripts cannot implement functions for more than one script type.



SuiteScript 2.0 entry point scripts must implement one script type function.



SuiteScript version 2 file used for form scripts must implement client script type.


Syntax error: {1}

{1} — additional information specific to the error.



The file is used as script type {1}, cannot be changed to {2}

{1} and {2} — the script types.


Script file includes @NScriptType {1}; this script type cannot be used to {2}.

{1} — the script type specified; {2} — the script’s entry points.


Full Error Text:

This file is used by a SuiteScript {1} script; you cannot change the API version of the file.

{1} — the SuiteScript version (that is, 1.0, 2.0, etc).


This error is displayed when you attempt to edit a script file that is already attached to a script record or a custom form. Specifically, if you try to edit and save changes to the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag value.

For example, you will see this error if you try to remove the @NApiVersion 2.0 JSDoc tag from a version 2.0 script.

Or, if you try to add the @NApiVersion 2.0 JSDoc tag to a version 1.0 script, you will see this error.


Other Notes:

In some cases, this error is preceded by the INVALID_API_VERSION error, which is included if the new @NApiVersion JSDoc tag value you are trying to use is invalid.

Note that SuiteScript 1.0 files do not use the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag. If you are still using SuiteScript 1.0 scripts, you should consider converting them to SuiteScript 2.0.

For help creating and uploading SuiteScript 1.0 files, see the Running Scripts in NetSuite Overview topic in the SuiteScript 1.0 Documentation topic.


Full Error Text:

Failed to validate script file: {1}

{1} — the script file name.


This error is displayed if your script file is not structured correctly. For example, you will see this error if your script is formatted correctly for SuiteScript 2.0 in all ways except that it is missing the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag.

This error may also be displayed if you do not correctly initialize global variables, as described in Resolve Error:"SuiteScriptModuleLoaderError FAIL_TO_EVALUATE_SCRIPT_1 All SuiteScript API Modules are unavailable while executing your define callback" when Saving SuiteScript 2.0 File


Check your script file to make sure that it contains all required elements and is structured correctly.

Other Notes:

For more information about creating valid scripts, see SuiteScript 2.x Entry Point Script Validation.


Full Error Text:

Invalid JSDoc tag value; valid values are: @NApiVersion [2.X, 2.x, 2.0, 2.1]


This error is displayed when you attempt to upload a script file with an invalid @NApiVersion JSDoc tag value. It can also be displayed if you try to modify the value of the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag in a script file that has already been uploaded.


Check your script file to make sure the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag has a valid value. Valid values are: 2.0, 2.x, and 2.X. 2.x and 2.X are equivalent.

Other Notes:

For more information about the @NApiVersion JSDoc tag values, see SuiteScript 2.x JSDoc Tags.


Full Error Text:

Invalid JSDoc tag value; valid values are: {1}

{1} — the valid values based on the specific invalid JSDoc tag.


This error is displayed if your script file uses an invalid value for any JSDoc tag.


Check your script file to make sure the value you used for the JSDoc tag is valid. Verify that it does not include typos or other errors.

Other Notes:

For more information about JSDoc tag values, see SuiteScript 2.x JSDoc Tags.


Full Error Text:

Invalid define call, define should only be called one time per module. Define calls found at the following line numbers: {1}

{1} — the lines in the script file where the define calls are.


This error is displayed if your script includes more than one define call. Each script can have only one define call.


Check your script file to make sure there is only one define call. If your script file includes multiple define calls, it must be reworked.

Other Notes:

For more information about using define calls, see define Object.


Full Error Text:

@NScriptType is required for 2.0 entry point script


This error is displayed if you attempt to create a script record for a SuiteScript 2.0 script that does not include the @NScriptType JSDoc tag.

This error is also displayed if you remove the @NScriptType JSDoc tag from a script file that is attached to a script record.


Edit the script file and add the @NScriptType JSDoc tag with the appropriate value. Also, do not remove the @NScriptType JSDoc tag from any script file that is already attached to a script record.

Other Notes:

This error is displayed when you create a script record for your script file. You will be able to successfully upload your script file to the File Cabinet, but you will not be able to create a script record for it. In this case, successfully uploading a script file does not mean that the file is valid.


Full Error Text:

SuiteScript 2.0 entry point scripts cannot implement functions for more than one script type.



This error is displayed if the interface portion of your script file includes entry points from more than one script type.


Check your script to make sure the interface contains only entry points for one script type (the script type indicated in the @NScriptType JSDoc tag). If necessary, create additional script files to implement addition script type entry points.

Other Notes:

For a description of all entry points for each script type, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


Full Error Text:

SuiteScript 2.0 entry point scripts must implement one script type function.



This error indicates that your script is missing an interface (a return statement) or that an error exists within the interface. This error can be returned when you try to upload a file, or when you try to edit a file that was previously uploaded.


Check your script file to make sure that at least one entry point for the script type (as indicated in the @NScriptType JSDoc tag) is included in the interface.

Other Notes:

For a description of all entry points for each script type, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


Full Error Text:

SuiteScript 2.0 file used for form scripts must implement client script type.



This error is displayed if you try to attach a script type other than a client script to a custom form. Only a client script can be attached to a form (that is, deployed at the form level). All other types of entry point scripts can only be deployed at the record level.


Make sure that the script you are attempting to attach to a custom form is a client script. Otherwise, deploy the script at the record level.

Other Notes:

For more information about working with client scripts on custom form, see SuiteScript 2.x Form-Level Script Deployments. For more information about deploying other types of entry point scripts at the record level, see SuiteScript 2.x Record-Level Script Deployments.


Full Error Text:

Syntax error: {1}

{1} — additional information specific to the error.


This error is displayed if your script contains JavaScript syntax errors.


Check to make sure your script follows all JavaScript syntax rules.

Other Notes:

There are several resources available for JavaScript syntax rules including two JavaScript tutorial sites at: https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript.


Full Error Text:

The file is used as script type {1}, cannot be changed to {2}.

{1} and {2} — the script types.

The full error code for this error is: THE_FILE_IS_USED_AS_SCRIPT_TYPE_1_CANNOT_BE_CHANGED_TO_2.


This error may be displayed if you edit a script file that is attached to an existing script record to use a different script type interface from what it previously used, and a different @NScriptType value.


To avoid this problem, make your changes in a script file that is not already associated with a script record. Then create a new script record based on the updated script file.

Other Notes:


Full Error Text:

Script file includes @NScriptType {1}; this script type cannot be used to {2}

{1} — the script type specified; {2} — the script’s entry points.


This error is displayed if the @NScriptType JSDoc tag value is not compatible with the entry points in the script’s interface.


Check your script to make sure the @NScriptType JSDoc tag value in your script corresponds to the entry points used by your script. If the tag’s value does not correspond to the script type interface, you cannot upload the file to the File Cabinet.

Other Notes:

For more information about script types, their definitions, and entry points, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.

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