Vendor Payment Import Errors

This section describes errors that you might see on a vendor payment import. See the following:

Invalid account reference key Accounts Payable xx for entity xx

The Accounts Payable account listed on the Transactions > Payables > Pay Bills page serves as the filter for bills available for payment.

If you use the internal ID to map the bill to be paid, you do not need to map the Accounts Payable account since the system will search for the bill and then in turn encounter the applicable AP account for the bill.

To resolve the error, remove the AP account from the field mapping.

Unable to find a matching line for sublist apply with key: [doc,line]

The error can occur when importing new customer or vendor payments and there are no open invoices with the internal ID or external ID specified in the CSV file.

In this situation you need to verify if:

You can search for invoices using the external ID or internal ID. These are the only two reference fields that can be used to import vendor or customer payments, so use either the internal ID or external ID of the bill in the CSV file.

Perform one or more of the following procedures to verify the status of the invoices and resolve the error.

Use a Saved Search

To create a saved search that uses the external ID or internal ID of the invoice as a filter:

  1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

  2. Click Transaction.

  3. On the Criteria > Standard subtab, add Internal Id (Number) to use the internal ID of the invoice. You can also enter the external ID as a filter.

  4. Click Save and Run. Look for the invoice and check its status.

Use the Invoice List

If you know the internal ID of the invoice that you want to verify, look for the invoice on the invoice list.

To use the invoice list:

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences > General.

  2. Check Show Internal Ids and save.

  3. Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List. Look for the invoice and check its status.

Use Accept Customer Payments

  1. Go to Transactions > Customers > Accept Customer Payments.

  2. In the Customer field, enter the name of the customer.

  3. Select the correct A/R account. Only open invoices appear on the Apply > Invoices subtab.

Use Vendor Bill Payments

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences > General.

  2. Check Show Internal Ids and save.

  3. Go to Transactions > Purchases/Vendors > Enter Bills > List. Look for the bill and check its status.

Use Pay Single Vendor

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases/Vendors > Pay Single Vendor.

  2. Enter the name of the Vendor in the Payee field.

  3. Select the correct A/P account. Notice only open Bills appear on the Apply subtab.

Use Pay Bills

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases/Vendors > Pay Bills.

  2. Select the correct A/P Account. Only open bills appear on the Apply subtab.

One or more bills or invoices has had a payment made on it since you retrieved the form

The error usually occurs when the vendor bill has a term and a discount amount.

To resolve, consider the following:


This error also applies when importing customer payments.

Adding new line to sublist apply is not allowed

The error occurs when trying to import vendor payments and apply existing vendor credits simultaneously. Also, the following conditions apply.

The error will be encountered if:

Unparseable Internal Id, did you mean to lookup this field by Name or External ID? for field xx

The xx in the error message refers to the mapped field name in the CSV file.

The value of the field mapped onto the NetSuite field Bill (Req) could not be found. Ensure that the value corresponds to the internal ID of the bill being paid. The internal ID can be taken from the URL of the bill or via a saved bill search that includes the internal ID column.

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