RESTlet Governance and Security

RESTlet Governance

The SuiteScript governance model tracks usage units on two levels: API level and script level. At the API level, RESTlets have the same usage limits as other types of SuiteScripts. At the script level, RESTlets allow 5,000 usage units per script, a limit five times greater than Suitelets and most other types of SuiteScripts.

There is a guarantee of 10MB per string used as RESTlet input or output. In ideal circumstances, you may receive a larger string in an output, however, the 10MB size is the guarantee.

For more information, see SuiteScript Governance and Limits.

Note that SuiteScript currently does not support a logout operation similar to the one used to terminate a session in SOAP web services.

RESTlet Security

The URLs for accessing RESTlets are protected by TLS encryption. Only requests sent using TLS encryption are granted access. For more information, see Supported TLS Protocol and Cipher Suites.


Starting from version 2017.2, web services and RESTlet concurrency is governed per account. The new account governance limit applies to the combined total of web services and RESTlet requests. For details about this change, see Web Services and RESTlet Concurrency Governance.

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General Notices