Using SuiteFlow for Journal Entry Approvals

This topic describes using SuiteFlow to create a custom workflow for journal entry approvals. For information about using a SuiteApp that also includes workflows for journal entry approval, see SuiteApprovals SuiteApp.

With SuiteFlow you can create a custom workflow for journal entry approval routing. You can create a workflow that routes a journal entry to as many as three different approvers before the journal entry is approved for posting. Your workflow can be configured to send email to specific recipients when a journal entry is rejected. Workflows for journal approval do not use the Journal Approval permission to determine who can approve the journal entries.

If you have permission to approve journal entries, a new Reminders portlet appears on your Dashboard when you have journal entries to approve. The portlet contains a link to the journal entries and Journals to approve by you. The portlet also provides a count of journal entries where you are the next approver and the approval status is not approved. Click the link to display the Approve Journals page for your approval workflow.


The Reminders portlet could display a count of zero journal entries to approve when there are journal entries ready for approval. This may happen if the journal approval workflow does not restrict who can approve journal entries. To ensure that the Reminders portlet counter matches the number of journal entries ready for approval, the designated approver must be defined as the next approver. Also, the workflow should be defined so that only the Next Approver can approve the journal.

To use SuiteFlow for journal entry approvals you must complete these steps:

  1. Enable the SuiteFlow feature at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. On the SuiteCloud tab, check the SuiteFlow box and click Save.

  2. Enabling Workflows for Journal Entry Approval

  3. Designing and Deploying a Workflow Using SuiteFlow

For detailed information about the posting period, see Posting Period for Journal Entries Subject to Approval.

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