Approving Journal Entries

Journal entry transactions are not posted until they are approved. Until a journal entry is approved, NetSuite tentatively displays the posting period based on the transaction date.

For information on journal entry approval accounting preferences, see Journal Entry Approval Overview.

To approve a journal entry:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Approve Journal Entries.

  2. Optionally, click Customize to filter the journals awaiting approval or to select the columns to display on the Approve Journals page. On the Customize Sublist page:

    1. Click the Additional Columns subtab and check each field you want to add as a column. For example, if you use OneWorld, you can add a Subsidiary column.

    2. Click the Additional Filters subtab and check each field for which you want to allow filtering. For each checked field, a filter list is added on the Approve Journals page. For example, you can add a Created By filter.

    3. Click Save to return to the Approve Journals page.

  3. If you have added any filters, select from lists to limit the listed entries.

  4. Check the boxes in the Approve column next to the entries you want to approve.

    Click Mark All to approve all the journal entries.

    If you are using a custom workflow for journal entry approval routing, two lists appear at the top of the page: Action and View. The Action list enables you to approve or reject journal entries. The View list enables you to filter the journal entries by their status. Depending on the configuration of your approval routing workflow, various buttons that perform workflow steps may appear.

  5. Click Save.


If you use NetSuite OneWorld, the Approve Journals page lists only journal entries for subsidiaries to which you have access.

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