Updating an Order Schedule Sublist Subrecord Example

The following example loads an existing blanket purchase order record. It selects a line on the record’s item sublist, retrieves the subrecord associated with that line, and makes changes to the subrecord.

To use this example, you must meet the following prerequisites:

This example uses dynamic mode, but you could also update the subrecord using standard mode. For general details about using either approach to update a sublist subrecord, see Using SuiteScript 2.x to Edit a Subrecord that Occurs in a Sublist Field. To learn about SuiteScript scripting modes, see SuiteScript 2.x Standard and Dynamic Modes

          define([ 'N/record' ],function(record) {
    function afterSubmit(context) {
        // Load the blanket purchase order record.
        var rec = record.load({
            type: record.Type.BLANKET_PURCHASE_ORDER,
            id: 3319,
            isDynamic: true

        // Select the sublist and line.
            sublistId: 'item',
            line: 0

        // Retrieve the subrecord.
        var subrec = rec.getCurrentSublistSubrecord({
            sublistId: 'item',
            fieldId: 'orderschedule'

        // Select the appropriate line in the subrecord's sublist.
            sublistId: 'schedule',
            line: 0

        // Identify the field to be modified, and set new value.
        var nextQuarter = new Date(); 
        nextQuarter.setDate(nextQuarter.getDate() + 90);

            sublistId: 'schedule',
            fieldId: 'trandate',
            value: nextQuarter

        // Save the subrecord's sublist line.
            sublistId: 'schedule'

        // Save the item sublist line that contains the subrecord.
            sublistId: 'item'

        // Save the record.
        try {
            var recId = rec.save();
                title: 'Record updated successfully',
                details: 'Id: ' + recId
        } catch (e) {
                title: e.name,
                details: e.message
    return {
        afterSubmit: afterSubmit


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