Create an Account Customization Project

This topic is step three of the SuiteCloud Development Framework Tutorial. If you have not already done so, complete step two: Set Up Your IDE Environment.

The following steps show you how to create an account customization project in your IDE. For more information about account customization projects, see SuiteCloud Project Types.

Depending on your IDE, refer to one of the following procedures:

To create an account customization project in Visual Studio Code

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the Command Palette and enter suitecloud.

    From the dropdown list, select SuiteCloud: Create Project.

  2. Select the parent folder for your new SuiteCloud project, and then click Select Folder.


    You can select the same parent folder for different SuiteCloud projects, because each project is automatically created in a subfolder of the selected parent folder. Do not create a SuiteCloud project in another SuiteCloud project subfolder.

  3. For the type of project you want to create, select Account Customization.

  4. For the project name, enter SDFTutorial and press Enter.

  5. Do not specify to use Jest testing framework.

    The SuiteCloud project is created for you, with the operation status displayed in the Output tab. When the extension is finished creating the SuiteCloud project, you can choose how to open the project folder by selecting either This Window or New Window. If there is already a folder open in the current window, selecting This Window closes that folder and opens the one for the project you created.

To create an account customization project in WebStorm

  1. Select File > New > Project...

  2. From the New Project dialog, in the left-hand panel, select Account Customization.

  3. In the Project Name field, enter SDFTutorial, and click Create.

    SuiteCloud IDE creates a new SuiteCloud project.

Continue to Step Four: Create a Custom Record Definition.

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