Setting Sales Orders to Closed

You cannot use an import to directly set the Status field of sales orders to Closed. Instead, to set a sales order to Closed status, you need to set the Closed field for each line item to TRUE.

This Closed field is available in the Items sublist on the Import Assistant Field Mapping page. You need to include it in your sales order import mapping. You can either include this field in the CSV file with a value of TRUE, or set a default value for this field on the Field Mapping page. To set this default, after adding the field to the mapping, click its edit icon and select the Yes option button. For more information, see Assign Default Values during Field Mapping.

You should only map the Closed field for sales order line items in imports that are updates. This field is not writable for newly created sales orders. If you attempt to set Closed field values in records being added, the import ignores these values or returns an error. Closed field values are only written successfully for imports that are updates.


To avoid issues with Sales Orders containing drop ship or special order items that require multiple Purchase Orders, set the Sales Order to Closed, after the creation of the Purchase Orders.

The creation of the Purchase Orders will fail, if you have already set the Sales Order to Closed.

Setting Closed field to Yes for all items in the Items sublist.

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