Supported Sales Order Sublist Data Imports

The Sales Orders import supports the import of the following sublist data:



Accounting Book Detail

Available only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, and only when more than one active accounting book exists.

Selectively updateable based on Accounting Book key field.

Auth. Code

When the Gift Certificates feature is enabled.


You must import at least one line item for all new records, and you must map required fields for this sublist on the Field Mapping page. See Required Items Sublist Fields for Transactions Imports.

Selectively updatable based on Line/Order Line or Item key field. See Line Item Updates on Transactions Imports.


When the Multi-Partner Management feature is enabled.

Selectively updatable based on Internal ID, External ID, or Partner.

Sales Team

When the Team Selling feature is enabled.


When the Multiple Shipping Routes feature is enabled.

If the Item Options feature is enabled in your account, you can import values for custom transaction item options along with Items sublist data. Transaction item options must first be set up at Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Transaction Item Options > New, with one of the following Applies To settings: Sale, All Items. For details, see Importing Transaction Item Options.

For imports that update existing Sales Order records, handling of sublist data updates depends upon the setting for the Overwrite Sublists advanced option, and on whether the sublist is keyed. Complete deletion of sublist data currently is not supported. For more information, see Sublist Data Import.


For non-keyed sublists, you shouldn't update main transaction fields and sublist fields during the same import job.

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