Editing a Body Field Address Subrecord Example

The following example loads a subsidiary record. It also loads and edits the address subrecord stored in the subsidiary’s mainaddress body field.

To use this script, you must have a OneWorld account.

For general details on updating body field subrecords, see Using SuiteScript 2.x to Update a Body Field Subrecord.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType UserEventScript
define([ 'N/record' ],function(record) {
    function afterSubmit(context) {
        // Load the record.
        var rec = record.load({
            type: record.Type.SUBSIDIARY,
            id: 1,
            isDynamic: true

        // Load the subrecord.

        var subrec = rec.getSubrecord({
            fieldId: 'mainaddress'

        // Make changes to one field.
            fieldId: 'addr1',
            value: '12331-A Riata Trace Parkway'
        // Save the record.
        try {
            var recId = rec.save();
                title: 'Record updated successfully',
                details: 'Id: ' + recId

        } catch (e) {
                title: e.name,
                details: e.message
    return {
        afterSubmit : afterSubmit


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