Bin Management by Location

If you use basic Bin Management with the Multi-Location Inventory feature, you either use bins in all locations or in no location. On item records, you can specify whether an item uses bins and the bins per location.

When you use Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management with the Multi-Location Inventory feature, you can specify which locations use bins.

For example, you can set your warehouse and store locations to use bins to track inventory. You can also choose to not use the Advanced Bin Management functionality at your head office location.

Enabling Bin Management by Location

Identify which locations should use the Advanced Bin Management feature by checking the Use Bins box on the location record. For more information about setting locations to use bins, see Creating Locations.

When you use bin management by location, the list of available bins to select on transactions and forms updates based on the associated location.

To identify items that use bins within these locations, see Setting Up Item Records for Bins.

Bin Management for Kit/Package Items

Kit/package components appear on fulfillment records based on your bin management settings:

  • For locations that use bins, fulfillment records display only kit components that use bins. You can enter inventory details to fulfill these components.

  • For locations that do not use bins, fulfillment records do not display any kit components.

For information about kit/package items, see Kit/Package Items or Updating Kits with Bins.

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