One-to-One Transaction Matches

The Intelligent Transaction Matching feature automatically creates matches through the system or custom matching rules. For any remaining unmatched transactions, you can manually create matches.

There are two types of one-to-one matching.

Unique Reference

For most matches, the transaction ID in the set of imported bank lines clearly matches the check number in the set of account transactions.


The check number corresponds to the following:

  • Check # on Bill Payments, Checks, and Customer Payments.

  • Deposit # on Deposits.

  • Transfer # on Transfers.

  • Entry No. on Journal Entries.

  • Reference # on Credit Card Charges and Credit Card Refunds.

Unique Reference by Combination

For other transactions, there might not be one unique number for a transaction. In this scenario, combine different properties to uniquely identify an imported bank line to its matching general ledger account register transaction.

Such unique references can be made up of different combinations. For example, combining the date with a memo value.

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