Editing a Renewal Transaction

On the scheduled run of the contract renewal script (R05), a renewal transaction is automatically generated for a contract when its target renewal date is earlier than or equal to the current date. You can also manually generate a renewal transaction for specific contracts on demand using the Renew Now feature. For information about generating renewal transactions, see Renewing a Contract.

Any contract items from the preceding contract that are set up as renewable are automatically included on the renewal transaction when the transaction it is generated. The term of the renewal transaction is based on the renewal terms set on the preceding contract, and the start date is set to one day after the preceding contract’s end date. By default, contract items on the renewal transaction are set up with the same term, start date, and end date as the body of the transaction.

If the renewal transaction is not yet processed by the contract item creation script (R03), you can edit the renewal transaction to modify the contract items that you want to include on the renewal contract.


If the renewal sales order has been processed by the R03 script and contract items have been generated for the renewal contract, any changes to the renewal transaction will not be applied to the renewal contract. If you want to modify the items for the renewal contract, you can create an upsell sales order. For more information, see Contract Upsell.

To edit a renewal transaction:

  1. Open the renewal transaction record in edit mode.

    • To open the renewal transaction from the transaction list page:

      • From the Opportunities list page: Go to Transactions > Sales > Create Opportunities > List.

      • From the Estimates list page: Go to Transactions > Sales > Prepare Estimates > List.

      • From the Sales Orders list page: Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.

      Then, click the Edit link for the renewal transaction that you want to edit.

    • To open the renewal transaction from the contract record:

      1. Go to Contract Renewals > View Records > Contract.

      2. Click the View link for the contract that you want to edit the renewal transaction for.

      3. On the contract record, click the link in the Renewal Transaction field to open the renewal transaction.

      4. On the renewal transaction, click the Edit button.

  2. Go to the Items subtab to modify the contract items on the renewal transaction.


    Avoid modifying the details (such as the item and quantity) of an existing line item. Doing so creates duplicate contract items when the transaction is processed by the R03 script.

    If you want to change an item, remove the line first then add another line for the new item.

    • To remove an item, select the line that contains the item that you do not want to renew and click Remove.

    • To add an item, select the item in a new line.

      • Set the quantity and price level.

      • Specify the item start and end dates. If you did not specify any, the item will be given the same term, start date, and end date as the body of the transaction.

      Click Add to add the item. Repeat this step for each item that you want to add.

    • If you want to modify the start and end dates for the contract items on the renewal transaction, take note of the following:

      • If you did not check the Enable Flexible Start Date for Renewal Transactions preference, you can set start date of the contract items to any date between the renewal contract’s start and end dates.

      • If you checked the Enable Flexible Start Date for Renewal Transactions preference, you can set up the items on renewal transactions to start earlier than the renewal contract start date. If this preference is enabled, you can set the start date of contract items to any date between the current date and the contract end date.

        This feature is applicable only for renewal transactions and for upsell sales orders for renewal contracts. To set this preference, go to Contract Renewals > Setup > Contract Renewals Preference and check the Enable Flexible Start Date for Renewal Transactions box on the Transactions Validation subtab. For more information, see Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences.

      • Items with end dates that are earlier than the contract end date will not be renewed.

  3. You can still revert to the original values of all the fields and lines you modified. To do this, click Reset Lines, which restores the initial values of all fields and line items when the renewal transaction was generated.

  4. Click Save.


    Unless the renewal transaction is processed by the R03 script, you can still use the Reset Lines button in edit mode, even after a renewal transaction has been modified and saved multiple times.

When the renewal transaction is processed by the R03 script, the items set up on the transaction are added as contract items on the renewal contract. The Check Log Status field on the Options & Log subtab of the sales order changes from Pending to Processed when the sales order is successfully processed for contract item creation.

Also, when the contract items have been generated for the renewal contract, the renewal contract’s status changes to Active and the preceding contract’s status changes to Renewal Processed. For more information, see Contract Workflow.

General Notices