Contract Upsell

The Software Vertical Contract Renewals SuiteApp is designed to account for additional items that are added to a contract during the contract term.

By creating a sales order and associating it with an existing contract, new contract items are created on the existing contract.


The start and end dates for upsell items must be within the contract's term to be included in the contract. Any items that are sold for a period outside of the existing contract's term should be tracked on a separate, new contract.


If you are creating an upsell sales order for a renewal contract, you can set up the items to start earlier than the renewal contract start date if you checked the Enable Flexible Start Date for Renewal Transactions box on the Contract Renewals Preference page. If this preference is enabled, you can set the start date of contract items to any date between the current date and the contract end date. For more information, see Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences.

You can process an upsell from the contract record or by creating a sales order and associating it with an existing contract. For information about which contracts can be processed for upsell, see Managing Contracts.


Contract items created using CSV import are not supported for upsell.

To process an upsell from the contract record:

  1. Open the contract record. For information about viewing a contract record, see Viewing a Contract.

  2. On the contract record, click Edit.

  3. On the Contract Items subtab, check the box in the Process column and click OK for each item that you want to upsell.

    To check the Process box for all contract items, click Mark All. To clear the Process box for all contract items, click Unmark All.

  4. Click the Create Up-sell Order button.

  5. On the transaction page, verify that the contract items that you are upselling are properly set on the Items subtab.

  6. Click Save.

To process an upsell by creating a standalone sales order:

  1. Create a new sales order. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Order.

  2. Select the customer you are adding service for in the End User field.

  3. In the Contract field on the Items subtab, select the contract where you are adding contract items to. This field is filtered to show only contracts for the selected end user, with the appropriate contract status. For more information, see Managing Contracts.

    Selecting the contract does two things:

    • The end date of the sales order is co-terminated with the end date of the contract you selected.

    • The contract term for the items added reflects this end date.

    By default, the items that you add to the order are given the same term, start date, and end date as the body of the sales order. You can change these start and end dates, but items with end dates that are earlier than the contract end date will not be automatically renewed.

  4. Enter or accept the date of the transaction.

  5. Select an item you want to add to the contract.

    • Set the quantity and price level.

    • Make any changes to the start and end dates if needed.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for each item that you want to add.

  8. Click Save.


    If you added items that affect percentage-based maintenance or support items, you are prompted to verify the maintenance/support line item before saving.

If the Combine Like Items preference is enabled on the Contract Renewals Preferences page, when the contract is renewed, identical items that were added by upsell sales orders are combined with matching items from the original contract if the rates are the same. For information about preference, see Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences.

When the order is approved and then billed (which is the default setting), the items are added as contract items on the contract.

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