Editing a Contract

To edit a contract, go to the contract record and click the Edit button. You can access the contract record from the sales transaction or customer record that is associated with the contract. A list of all contracts is also available on the Contract List page. For more information about viewing contract records, see Viewing a Contract.

You can edit a contract to make any of the following changes:

For information about contract fields, see Contract Fields.

Contracts can also be updated using CSV import or mass update. For more information, read the following help topics.

Contract Fields

The following table provides descriptions for the fields on contract records.

Field Name



This field displays the name of the contract in the following format: ID_<Start Date>_<End Date>.


This field displays the internal ID of the contract.


On edit mode, check this box to set the contract to inactive.


This field shows the status of the contract. Depending on the contract’s current state, the status can be one of the following:

  • Pending

  • Active

  • Renewal Generated

  • Renewal Processed

  • Renewal Rejected

  • Canceled

  • Closed

For information about contract states, see Contract Workflow.

Contract Start Date(1)

This field displays the date when the contract starts.

This value is set in the Start Date field of the sales order from which the contract is created.

Contract End Date(1)

This field displays the date when the contract is due for termination.

This value is set in the End Date field of the sales order from which the contract is created. On the sales order, the end date is determined by the values in the Contract Term and Start Date fields, if not entered manually. Items with a perpetual license do not have contract end dates.

For information about contract term, see Contract Term Calculation.

Contract Days Before Renewal

On edit mode, enter the number of days before the contract's end date when a renewal transaction will be generated. This value applies only to the contract where it is specified.

If a value is specified in this field, it overrides the Days Before Renewal preference that sets the target renewal date for existing contracts. You can also update this field through contract mass update. For more information, see Updating Contracts using Mass Update.

If this field is blank, the value in the Days Before Renewal field on the Contract Renewals Preferences page is used to determine the target renewal date for the contract. For more information about this preference, see Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences.

This field is disabled when a renewal transaction has been created for the contract.

Contract Type

This field displays the contract type.

Bill To Customer(1)

This field displays the name of the customer who buys the product.

This value is set in the Bill To Customer field of the sales order from which the contract is created.

End User(1)

This field displays the name of the customer who uses or registers the product.

This value is set in the End User field of the sales order from which the contract is created.


If the contract is created for a multi-tiered sales transaction, this field displays the name of the distributor from which the reseller or end user purchased the product.

This value is set on the Channel subtab of the sales order from which the contract is created. For more information, see Support for Multiple Sales Channels.


If the contract is created for a multi-tiered sales transaction, this field displays the name of the reseller from which the end user purchased the product.

This value is set on the Channel subtab of the sales order from which the contract is created. For more information, see Support for Multiple Sales Channels.

Bill To Tier

If the contract is created for a multi-tiered sales transaction, this field displays the channel tier of the customer to be billed.

This value is set on the Channel subtab of the sales order from which the contract is created. For more information, see Support for Multiple Sales Channels.

Ship To Tier

If the contract is created for a multi-tiered sales transaction, this field displays the channel tier of the customer to whom the product will be shipped to.

This value is set on the Channel subtab of the sales order from which the contract is created. For more information, see Support for Multiple Sales Channels.


This field shows the currency used by the contract. This field is available only if the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled in your account.

This value is set in the Currency field of the sales order from which the contract is created.

Contract Value (Base Curr)

For accounts that are not OneWorld, this field displays the value of the contract in the currency of the company.

For OneWorld accounts, this field displays the value of the contract in the base currency of the customer’s subsidiary.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Contract Value (Customer Primary Curr)

This field displays the value of the contract in the primary currency of the customer.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Annual Contract Value (Gross)

This field displays the average annual value of the contract before deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Annual Contract Value (Net)

This field displays the average annual value of the contract after deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Contract Document

On edit mode, select a document related to the contract or sales transaction from the NetSuite File Cabinet. For more information, see File Cabinet Overview.

Contract Uplift

On edit mode, enter a percentage uplift for the contract. This value applies only to the contract where it is specified. When the contract is renewed, the price on the renewal contract will be increased by the percentage uplift set in this field.

If a value is specified in this field, it overrides the uplift value set on the Contract subtab of the customer record. This field accepts positive values from 0 to 100. A contract uplift value set to zero means that you do not want to apply an uplift, even if a value is set on the customer record. You can also update this field through contract mass update. For more information, see Updating Contracts using Mass Update.

If this field is blank, the percentage uplift specified on the customer record will be applied on the renewal contract. If there is no uplift specified on the contract and on the customer record, no uplift will be applied on the renewal contract.

This field is disabled when a renewal transaction has been created for the contract.


If a value is specified in the Contract Item Uplift field on a contract item, it overrides the uplift value set on the contract or customer record. For more information, see Contract Item Uplift.

Target Renewal Date

This field displays the date when a renewal transaction is automatically generated for the contract.

Upon creation of the contract, the value in this field is determined by the value in the Days Before Renewal field on the Contract Renewals Preferences page. The default value in the Days Before Renewal field is 90 days before the contract’s end date. For more information about this preference, see Setting Up Contract Renewals Preferences.

If you want to override the Days Before Renewal global preference for a specific contract, edit the contract and specify a value in the Contract Days Before Renewal field. Upon saving the contract, the value in the Target Renewal Date field is adjusted based on the value in the Contract Days Before Renewal field.

Contract Renewed On

This field displays the date when the contract is renewed. This field is blank if the contract is not yet renewed.

Renewal Transaction

This field displays the link to the renewal transaction generated for the contract. This field is blank if the contract is not yet renewed.

Original Contract

This field displays the link to the original contract. On the original contract, this field is blank.

Renewal Terms(1)

This field displays the duration of the renewal contract in months.

This value is set in the Renewal Terms field of the sales order from which the contract is created.

On edit mode, you can update the value of the term for the renewal contract.

Annual Renew Value (Gross)

This field displays the average annual value of the renewal contract prior to deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Annual Renew Value (Net)

This field displays the average annual value of the renewal contract after deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Renewal Term Renew Value (Gross)

This field displays the average per term value of the renewal contract prior to deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

Renewal Term Renew Value (Net)

This field displays the average per term value of the renewal contract after deducting item discounts.

For information about contract values, see Contract Value Calculation.

(1) This field is required if you are creating a contract using CSV import. For more information, see Importing Contracts.

Contract Item Uplift

In Software Vertical Contract Renewals 17.1, a Contract Item Uplift field is available on the contract item record.

When a value is set in this field, it overrides the uplift value set in the Contract Uplift field on the contract or the Uplift value set on the Contract subtab of the customer record. This field accepts positive values from 0 to 100.

A contract item uplift value set to zero means that you do not want to apply an uplift to the contract item, even if a value is set on the contract or customer record. If this field is blank, the percentage uplift specified on the contract will be applied to the renewal contract. If no uplift value is set on either the contract item or contract, the uplift specified on the customer record will be applied on the renewal contract.

You can specify percentage uplift only to Active contract items of an Active contract.

You can also specify percentage uplift for renewable items on the Item subtab of custom transaction forms. See also Creating a New Contract.

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