Updating Contracts using Mass Update

You can update specific fields on a contract record through mass update.

The following updates are supported:

To update contract fields using mass update:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. Click General Updates to expand.

  3. Under Custom Records, click Contract.

  4. On the Criteria subtab, select filters that you want to use to set the criteria for contracts that will be updated.

  5. On the Mass Update Fields subtab, check the box in the Apply column and specify a value in the Value or Formula field for the contract fields that you want to update. Only the following contract fields are currently supported for mass update:

    • Contract Days Before Renewal

    • Contract Uplift

    For information about these fields, see Contract Fields.


    Although there are other fields shown on the Mass Update Fields subtab, only the Contract Days Before Renewal and Contract Uplift fields are supported and tested for contracts mass update. Do not update other contract fields.

  6. Click Preview to select which contracts will be included in the update.

  7. On the Mass Update Preview Results page, check the box in the Apply column for the contracts that you want to include in the update.

  8. Click Perform Update to execute the mass update.

For more information about mass update, see Defining a Mass Update.

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