Backorder Rules

Backorder rules are evaluated after all other rules in a configuration have been evaluated. You use backorder rules to put items on backorder when there is no inventory at a location. Since backorder rules are evaluated after other rules, there is no check for inventory at locations. All other attributes of backorder rules are evaluated as normal. Like standard rules, backorder rules assign the best fulfillment locations to lines in a sales order. When the items become available at the locations, they are committed to the sales order lines, which can then be fulfilled.

For example, you create a sales order with two items – item A and item B. Item A has sufficient inventory, but item B has no inventory. If you create a configuration with just one rule and no backorder rules, a location is assigned to item A, but will be blank for item B. You will need to select a location manually for item B. If you include a backorder rule in the configuration, the automatic location assignment engine can assign a location to item B. Item B will then be marked as backordered.

Backorder rules have the following characteristics:

To add a backorder rule, open the automatic location assignment configuration you want to work with and select the Backorder Rules subtab. Select an existing rule or create a new rule, and then save the configuration.

Backorder rules in a configuration are optional; if a location cannot be assigned to a sales order line and there are no backorder rules, the Location field on the line remains empty. You can still assign a location manually. For more information about working with backorders, see Handling Backorders.


If your primary business goal is to have NetSuite assign a fulfillment location to all sales order lines, NetSuite recommends to add at least one backorder rule to an automatic location configuration.

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