Handling Backorders

You can track backorders for items not in stock. Integrated item receipts and fulfillments enable you to handle backorders.

You can commit backordered items from items that you receive on purchase orders. After you commit items on backorder, you can process them for fulfillment.

For example, you enter a sales order for 5 quantities of item #XY123. The quantity on hand of item #XY123 is zero, so you end up with 5 backordered items.

When you receive 50 quantities of item #XY123 on a purchase order, you can commit 5 of them to the sales order. Then, you can process the sales order for fulfillment.

While committed orders are still open, you can change these commitments to fill other open orders. To adjust these commitments, you can use the Reallocate Items form.

For more information about inventory replenishment and reallocation, see Basic Inventory Management or Reallocating Items.

If you use the Demand Planning feature, you can automate backorder item allocation. Read Demand Planning and Inventory Allocation.

To track items that are backordered, you can go to the Reports tab and click either:

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