Viewing Future-Dated Transaction Details

Click the future-dated transaction amount in the cash forecast table to open a window that lists all accounts included in the future-dated transaction amount calculation. You can only click the future-dated transaction amount if it is greater than zero.

To view the future-dated transaction details:

  1. Go to Financial > Cash 360 > Dashboard.

  2. On the left pane, click Cash Forecast.

    The default display of the cash forecast table is always based on the currently logged in user's subsidiary. To display the cash forecast table for another subsidiary, select the subsidiary on the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Click the future-dated transaction amount.


    The Future-Dated Transactions row is only displayed if the Include Opening Balance box is checked in the SuiteApp's Preferences page.

    The Future-Dated Transactions window opens and displays the following information:



    Account Category

    This field displays the account category for the amount.

    For example, if the amount is a future-dated transaction amount, this field displays Future-Dated Transactions.

    Total Amount

    This field displays the total future-dated transaction amount.


    This field displays the period covered for the future-dated transaction amount.


    This field displays the currency of the future-dated transaction amount.


    This column displays the subsidiary of the account that contributed to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    Transaction Number

    This column displays the ID of the transaction that contributed to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    You can click on the transaction ID to open the transaction record.

    Transaction Type

    This column displays the type of transaction that contributed to the to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    For example: Bill Payment


    This column displays the entity for the transaction that contributed to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    Entity can be a customer name, vendor name, employee name, or other entities.

    Account Name

    This column displays the account name that contributed to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    Amount (Currency)

    This column displays the amount that contributed to the total future-dated transaction amount calculation.

    The amount is shown in the currency of the selected subsidiary or consolidated subsidiary.

  4. (Optional) Under the Future-Dated Transactions Details section, click the Export to icon and select CSV to export the report as a CSV file.

    The Future-Dated Transactions window can only display the 100 most recent transactions. You can use the Export to CSV function to view more than 100 transactions.

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