Setting Up an Employee for Commission Payments

To make commission payments to an employee, you must create a commission earning item. You must then add the item to the record of each employee to whom you want to pay a commission.


To set up an employee for commission payments, you must use SuitePeople U.S. Payroll to pay your employees. See Payroll Setup.

To create a commission earning item:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Payroll Items > New.

  2. Select Earning: Commission from the Item Type field.

  3. Enter a name for the commission earning item, in the Item Name field.

  4. Select the expense account to pay the commission.

  5. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select the subsidiary this payroll item relates to.

  6. In the Pay Code field, select the appropriate pay code. Check the Withholding box to determine how the earning is taxed and reported, and whether the item appears on the employee's W-2.

  7. Select the report section in which this payroll item should appear on payroll reports.

  8. Click Save.

Next, add the commission earning item to the record of the employees to whom you want to pay a commission.

To set up an employee record for commissions:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees > New (Administrator).

  2. Click Edit next to the employee you want to set up for commission payments.

  3. On the employee record, click the Payroll subtab.

  4. Click the Earnings subtab, and then in the Earnings field, select the commission earning item you created in the preceding procedure.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat these steps for each employee you will pay a commission.

To pay employee commissions, go to Transactions > Commissions > Authorize Employee Commissions (Administrator).

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