Linking a Project to an Opportunity

Projects can be linked to opportunities as details for the plan are refined. Service items on the opportunity are sourced from the project record. Items not associated with the project can also be added to the opportunity.

You can link a project to an opportunity by creating the opportunity from the Opportunities subtab on the project record. When the Consolidate Projects preference is disabled, you can also link a project to an opportunity by selecting it in the Project field in the header of the opportunity form. When the Consolidate Projects preference is enabled, you can select the project when adding items to the opportunity.

To create an opportunity from a project record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click View next to the project you want to create an opportunity for.

  3. Click the Related Records subtab.

  4. On the Opportunities subtab, click New Opportunity.

    A new opportunity form opens.

    The project’s customer or prospect is automatically selected in the Company field.

  5. If you do not use the Consolidate Projects preference the project name is automatically selected in the Project field at the top of the page. If you use the Consolidate Projects preference, on the Items subtab, select the project in the Project field for each item you add to this opportunity.


    The service items specified on the project record automatically populate the Items subtab below. These service items can be removed but cannot be modified. Additional items can also be added to this opportunity.

  6. Complete the opportunity form as necessary. For details, read, Creating an Opportunity Record.

  7. Click Save.

After the opportunity is saved, it is linked to the originating project and appears on the Opportunities subtab of the project record.

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General Notices