Project Management Records

When you use the Project Management feature, you can use project records to track all the information about each of your projects from beginning to end.

By setting up data for each project in an organized manner, you can maintain and access information when you need it, as well as use the data to update schedules and generate transactions or reports that help you assess the progress of the project.

When you maintain accurate information for individual project records, you are better able to accomplish goals not only for the one project, but for all company projects. This is because within a company, often project planning requires a division of limited labor and materials resources across many projects. In order to best balance margins and risks for all projects, you need to be able to access accurate information about each project and make plans accordingly.


NetSuite advises you to break up long, multi-year projects into smaller parts to improve performance when working with project records.

Project Scheduling Methods

When you first create a project record, even if you do not yet have all the project details, you can enter information such as the name of the project, current status, and perhaps the start and projected end dates. Then, as the project progresses, project records are a workspace where you can manage project details.

As you begin planning your project, you must decide the best method to use when creating your project schedule. NetSuite offers two methods for project scheduling, forward and backward.


The Planned Work feature is required for backward project scheduling. For more information, see Planned Work.

Forward scheduling enables you to define a start date for your project and schedule tasks forward based on that start date. NetSuite uses the start date, task order, durations, and lag time to calculate an estimated end date for your project. Forward planning is best used when you know when your project must begin.

Backward scheduling enables you to define an end date for your project and schedule tasks backward based on that end date. NetSuite uses the end date, task order, durations, and lag time to calculate an estimated start date for your project. Backward planning is best used when you have a hard deadline for the completion of your project.

As data is available, you can also do the following on the project record to define and refine the project:

Schedule subtab

On the schedule subtab of project records, you can identify and schedule necessary work tasks. After tasks are created, you can see various basic or customizable views of the tasks, also known as a project plan. A Gantt Chart view is also available. The project plan is a tool to help you plan, manage, and execute your project schedule. For more information, see Working with the Project Schedule.


The Schedule subtab appears only after you save a project record. The Schedule subtab displays project tasks in the order in which they would be listed on a project plan. You cannot sort or reorder the project tasks displayed on the Schedule subtab.

Resources subtab

On the Resources subtab, you can assign the resources needed to complete project tasks and designate their role on the project. You can select multiple roles for a single resource. In order to price and schedule resources, you need to select resources on specific task records. Read Assigning Project Resources.

If you use Resource Allocations, you must first allocate resources to your project before they can be assigned to tasks. For more information, see Resource Allocations.

Financial subtab

On the Financial subtab, you can define the project billing behavior by selecting a billing type and billing schedule, if you use Advanced Billing. The Financial subtab provides labor data for estimated, actual, and remaining work, as well as the percent of the project completed based on labor hours. Also, it displays estimated costs, revenue and profits.

Preferences subtab

On the Preferences subtab, choose settings for time and expense preferences related to the project. Choose to allow anyone to enter time for projects or limit time entries to assigned resources only. Classify project time entries as utilized, productive or exempt to customize utilization calculations. You can also choose to allow expense entries and to create planned time entries. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can select a subsidiary for the project. For more information, see Working with Project Management in OneWorld.

Related Records subtab

The Related Records subtab contains most of the same basic information found on Related Records subtabs on records throughout NetSuite, such as information about contacts and partners.

Communication subtab

The Communication subtab is where you can attach and send messages andschedule phone calls. Projects can be linked with opportunities. This enables project items to be included in estimates and sales orders and billed along with other sales items.

The following workflow is recommended for incorporating projects into the sales process.


This specific workflow is possible only if you do not enable the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions preference. For more information, read Using the Project Consolidation Preference.

Best Practice: Incorporate the Project Record into your Sales Process

  1. Create an opportunity for a prospect.

    On the Items subtab of the opportunity form, all non-project items should be defined. This is any items except service items. Project items, or service items, must come from the project record.

    If you would rather, you can also wait to define non-project items on an estimate.

    For more information, see Opportunity Records.

  2. Set up the project by creating a project record.

    From within the project record, add and manage service items related to the opportunity, create project tasks, and define the billing type.

    For more information, read Creating a Project Record.

  3. Link the project to the opportunity.

    After you create a project record, you can link the opportunity record to the project by selecting the project on the opportunity.

    When you source a project on an opportunity, the project items automatically source into the transaction rows of the opportunity record. These rows cannot be edited on the opportunity, however they can be removed. Any changes must be made first on the project record, and then reopen the opportunity to refresh the project items. Read Refreshing Project Items on Transactions.

    For information, read Linking a Project to an Opportunity.

  4. Generate one or more estimates from the opportunity.

    An estimate created from a linked opportunity merges the non-inventory and other items with the service items for the project.


    Creating an estimate from the project record will only include service items from the project.

    For more information, read Generating an Estimate from a Project.

  5. Create a sales order from a project estimate.

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