Refreshing Project Items on Transactions

When you edit a sales order, estimate, or opportunity that is associated with a project you can refresh the items from the project to update the transaction with the most current information from the project.


Depending on your project preferences and the changes made to your projects, updating items from projects may create duplicate line-items with updated information. To prevent having duplicate lines, delete the outdated lines before saving your sales order.

When the refreshed items load, the transaction displays the current items and totals.


After you have begun billing an order, you can no longer refresh the items to transactions.

If you use Charge-Based Billing, you can refresh items from your projects by first generating a forecast. When you create charge rules based on service items, those service items can be added to your transactions based on the charges forecast. This lets you create opportunities and sales orders prior to generating charges. For more information, see Generating Charges.

For more details about the consolidation preference, read Using the Project Consolidation Preference.

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