Using the Project Consolidation Preference

The Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions preference determines whether you track one project on sales transactions at the header level or multiple projects at the line level. It also determines how Creating Projects from Sales Transactions creates projects from items.

Project consolidation affects the creation of projects and the processing of transactions.

If you use Project Management and create projects in bulk from items, one project is created for each project-tagged line item on sales transactions and each project is billed separately to the customer. The estimated revenue for each project is the net amount of the corresponding line item.

If you use Project Management and create projects in bulk from items, one project is created that contains all project-tagged line items on the order. In other words, project-generating items are consolidated and billed as one project. The estimated revenue for each project is the sum of the net amounts of all corresponding line items.


When the consolidation preference is enabled, you are no longer able to issue sales transactions to a specific project. Instead, you issue the sales transactions to the customer with line items attributed to each project.

For details about creating projects from items, read Setting a Service Item to Create a Project and Creating Projects from Sales Transactions.

To set the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions preference:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. Choose Items/Transactions.

  2. In the Sales & Pricing section, set your preference for consolidating projects based on the information above.

    • Check the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions box to enable the preference.

    • Clear the Consolidate Projects on Sales Transactions box to disable the preference.

  3. Click Save.

Using this preference can affect the following:

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