Viewing Project Schedules

After you have created project records and set up a schedule to complete the project, you can view the project schedule to assess progress. The project schedule is also commonly known as a project plan.

The project plan, or schedule, for a project is found on the Schedule subtab of the project record.

To view a project schedule:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects and click View next to the project.

  2. On the project record, click the Schedule subtab.

    The schedule shows the existing tasks for the project, and for each task, the start date, end date, estimated work and cost are shown.


    The Schedule subtab displays project tasks in the order in which they would be listed on a project plan or work breakdown structure. You cannot sort or reorder the project tasks displayed on the Schedule subtab.

For details about using the Schedule subtab for managing project tasks, read Working with the Project Schedule.

Working with Projects in Multiple Time Zones

If your organization has employees in different time zones who work on projects, the following time zone considerations apply:

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