Assigning a Resource Work Calendar

Each employee and vendor you want to use as a project resource must have a work calendar assigned on their record. A record is initially assigned by default, but you can select any work calendar you have created to assign as needed.

Employee Resources

To assign a work calendar to an employee:

  1. Go to the list of employee records at Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Click Edit next to the employee you want to assign a calendar to.

  3. Click the Human Resources subtab of the employee record.

  4. In the Work Calendar field, select a calendar.

  5. Click Save.

Vendor Resources

To assign a work calendar to a vendor:

  1. Go to the list of employee records at Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit next to the vendor you want to assign a calendar to.

  3. Click the Financial subtab of the vendor record.

  4. In the Work Calendar field, select a calendar.

  5. Click Save.

Inline Editing

If you want to update the work calendar for many employee or vendor records at one time, you can run a search for the appropriate records and then use Inline Editing to update the necessary records quickly. For more information, read Using Inline Editing.

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General Notices