Japan Payment Formats

You must install the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp to set up and use Japan payment formats. Using the SuiteApp, you can generate payment files in the format specified by the Zengin Payment Clearing Network of banks. Zengin payment formats contain the required information for electronic fund transfers (EFT) when paying vendor bills, employee expenses, refunding customers or compensating partners in Japan.

There are two Zengin payment formats, one in text format and another in XML format. The Zengin text format comes with the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. The Zengin XML format is included when you install the Japan Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Support for Japan Zengin XML Payment Format.


Automatic calculation of bank fees is not yet supported using the Zengin XML template.

To set up the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp for your company, subsidiaries, vendors, employees, customers, and partners in Japan, read the following topics:

General Notices