Creating Revenue Commitment Reversals


The functions discussed in this topic require the Revenue Commitments feature to be enabled.

If a revenue commitment cannot be invoiced, or the revenue and unbilled receivable must be reversed for some reason, a user with sufficient permission must reverse the revenue commitment.

A revenue commitment reversal transaction posts a journal entry like the following:

Debit: Revenue 10,000

Credit: Unbilled Receivables 10,000

To create a revenue commitment reversal, a return authorization must exist for the revenue commitment. That return authorization provides the initial data used to populate the revenue commitment reversal.

If you choose to reverse revenue for a return authorization by using a revenue commitment reversal, the revenue for all lines on that return authorization must be reversed using a revenue commitment reversal. After you reverse any revenue from a return authorization using a revenue commitment reversal, you cannot change the return authorization unless you first delete the revenue commitment reversal.

A revenue commitment reversal can be created:

Related Topics

Using Revenue Commitments
Setting Up the Revenue Commitments Feature
Revenue Commitments Process
Advanced Revenue Commitments Overview
Creating Revenue Commitments
Creating Revenue Recognition Journal Entries
Reclassifying Deferred Revenue for Revenue Commitments
Revenue Commitment Examples
Revenue Reclassification Reports

General Notices