Enabling the Gross Profit Feature

To enable the Gross Profit feature:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. On the Transactions subtab, in the Sales section, check the Gross Profit box.

  3. Enable other features as desired.

    The Gross Profit feature is not directly dependent on other features, but may have limited utility without them. For example, the following related features can affect user access to gross profit data:

    • Inventory – required for certain item types and costing information

    • Sales Orders, Opportunities, Estimates – required to get gross profit data for these transaction types

    • Project Management – required to get job costing information on sales transactions

    • Drop Shipments & Special Orders, Purchase Orders – required to use the Purchase Order Rate cost estimate type.

  4. Click Save.

When you enable the Gross Profit feature, related fields become available as follows:

The Cost Estimate Type field is available on item records and on transaction item lines. For information about setting values for this field, see Working with Cost Estimate Types.


If you later disable the Gross Profit feature, gross profit fields are no longer included in forms, reports, and searches. Also, any SuiteScripts and SOAP web services integrations that use these fields no longer function correctly.

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