Setting Default Tax Items on Vendor Records

If you use the Australia, Canada, Japan, U.K., or International edition of NetSuite, you can set a default tax code for vendors. This tax code is applied by default on purchase orders and vendor bills.


If you use NetSuite OneWorld and the vendor is shared with multiple subsidiaries, you can select a tax code that is associated with any of the secondary subsidiaries assigned to the vendor. For more information, see Assigning Subsidiaries to a Vendor.

To set a default vendor tax code:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click the Edit link of the vendor record, or click New to create a vendor if it is not yet in the system.

  3. In non-OneWorld accounts, click the Financial subtab.

    In OneWorld accounts, click the Subsidiary subtab.

  4. In the Tax Code field, select the tax code you want applied to purchase orders and bills placed for this vendor.

  5. Click Save.


The default tax code you assign to a vendor must be available on purchase transactions, otherwise you will be unable to select this tax code on purchase orders or bills for that vendor. Make sure that the Available On field of the Tax Code record (Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes) is set to Purchase Transactions or Both.


When you inactivate a tax control account, any tax codes associated with it will no longer be available for selection when you create or edit a transaction record. Also, any existing default tax codes associated with the inactivated tax control account will be invalidated. Be sure to change the default tax codes on the affected vendor records. Alternatively, you can reactivate the tax control account. For more information, see Tax Control Accounts Overview.

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