Setting Up Tax Filing for Belgium


This feature requires the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.

If you have a Belgium nexus and you intend to use NetSuite to generate an XML file of your VAT return for submission to the Intervat portal, you must set up your online tax filing details in NetSuite.

To set up tax filing information for Belgium:

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > Tax Reports (International).

  2. If you are using OneWorld, select the Belgium VAT-registered subsidiary.

  3. Select the country form for Belgium.

  4. Click Setup, and click Tax Filing.

  5. Complete the Tax Filing Setup page:

    1. Enter the Belgium VAT number to be used for the selected subsidiary.

    2. Enter the number of VAT declarations included in the file.

    3. In the ClientListingNihil field, select Yes if your VAT declaration includes a list of your customers that are VAT obligated.

    4. In the Payment field, select No.


      The Payment field can only have a No value. Selecting Yes in this field will cause an error on your submission.

    5. In the Restitution field, select Yes to ask for payment forms.

  6. Click Save.

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