Viewing the ESL Submission History


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the EU Sales List Report page to generate and submit the EU Sales List. If you are using the Country Tax Report page, see EC Sales List.

When you submit your ESL data directly to HMRC from NetSuite, an ESL submission history is created.


Removing the International Tax Reports SuiteApp and then installing it again will delete your ESL submission history.

To view the ESL Submission History

  1. Go to Reports > VAT/GST > ESL Submission History.

  2. In the ESL Submission History Summary List page, click the View link of the report to view the submission history.

    The following statuses are provided:

    • Success – All line items for the tax period were submitted successfully. The full submission was accepted by HMRC.

    • Partial Success – Fewer than 30% of the line items failed. The correct line items have been accepted by HMRC but you must fix the failed line items, run the report again, and resubmit it. Exclude the line items that do not need to be resubmitted.

    • Failure – Greater than 30% of the line items on the ESL report failed. In this situation, the entire submission is rejected by HMRC, regardless or whether some line items were correct. You must correct all line items with errors and resubmit the entire ESL to HMRC.

Related Topics:

General Notices