EU Sales List Overview
If you send goods to customers that are in another European Union (EU) country, you may be able to record these as zero-rated supplies of goods, provided you have the VAT number of those customers. If those EU customers are not VAT registered, or if you do not have their VAT number, then the appropriate VAT must be charged. Part of the reporting procedure in all EU countries is the need for monthly or quarterly EU sales lists to be submitted. The timing of the returns and the threshold limits vary from country to country.
NetSuite can generate an EU sales list report for any of your EU subsidiaries, provided that you have installed the International Tax Reports SuiteApp in your NetSuite account.
For electronic filing, the EU sales list created by the system includes only invoices to customers where the Ship To address is an EU member state. On the customer record of each registered trader that you deal with, you must enter a valid VAT number in the correct format of the relevant member state. Make sure that the VAT identification number of each customer is valid, because financial penalties may be imposed by the tax agency for incorrect or invalid VAT numbers.
Localized EU sales list reports (in English and native language where applicable) are available for the following EU countries:
United Kingdom
Note:Effective January 1, 2021, businesses located in Great Britain are no longer required to submit EU Sales List. However, it is still required for businesses located in Northern Ireland.
The EU sales list report for the other EU countries is a standard report but with all the key information in it.
To understand how to use the EU sales list reporting features, read the following topics:
For information about localized EU sales list reports, read the country-specific tax topics.
For some countries, the NetSuite-generated EU sales list report can be submitted to tax authorities. Before generating a report to be used for electronic filing, you must set up your EU sales filing details. For more information about the electronic tax filing feature, see Electronic Tax Filing Using NetSuite.