Financial Report Builder Sorting Page


For financial statements, you should define sorting at the row and financial section level on the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page rather than on the Sorting page.

On the Sorting page of the Financial Report Builder, you can make changes to the sorting for a custom financial statement. The functions available in this page are the same as those available in the Report Builder Sorting page. For details, see Sorting Data on Reports. The Financial Report Builder Sorting page includes the added capability of sorting by budget field values in any financial statement.

On the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout page, you can reorder rows and define grouping and sort order for financial sections based on accounts, class, department, location, or if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. These sorting options override the sorting defined on the Sorting page. For information, see Financial Statement Sections.

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.

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