Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page

Most financial statement customization tasks are available on the Edit Layout page of the Financial Report Builder. When you customize a financial statement, you are likely to spend the majority of your time on this page.

This page includes a Layout outline that displays the order and hierarchy of all financial statement rows. In this outline, you also can add, move, and delete financial sections and rows as necessary. Fields in the right pane of this page correspond to the row selected in the Layout outline and marked with a pencil icon.

Screenshot of the Edit Layout page of the Financial Report Builder showing the order of the rows and sections

Previewing a Financial Statement Layout

The Edit Layout page of the Financial Report Builder includes a Preview Layout button that you can click to view the financial statement without data.

Screenshot of a preview that appears when you click the Preview Layout button on the Edit Payout page of the Financial Report Builder

This function enables you review the appearance of the report more quickly than if you had to wait for data to return. You can view the actual accounts and confirm that financial section criteria are correct.

The Financial Report Builder also includes a Preview button that you can click to run the report with data before saving it.


Be sure to save your custom financial statement in a timely manner, to avoid losing edits made on the Edit Layout page.

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.

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