Editing a Financial Statement Text Row

A text row can be used in a financial statement to display static text or to provide a blank row between sections.

To edit a text row:

  1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.

  2. In the Layout outline, do one of the following:

    • Select the row below the place where you want to add a new text row, and from the Add Row/Section list, select Add Text Row.

    • Select an existing text row.

  3. Complete any of the following tasks:

Editing Text for a Text Row

You can edit the Text to display in a text row. Clear the Display Row box to display a blank row.

Modifying Text Row Hierarchy

You can change a text row's placement in the report hierarchy, by selecting a different row in the Child Of dropdown. The text row is moved under the row you select here and is reflected in the Layout outline at left.

Alternatively, you can drag and drop a text row in the Layout outline to change its hierarchy.

Modifying Text Row Format Options

You can modify the formatting of text, lines, and background color for a text row.

For more information, see Setting Financial Statement Formatting Options.

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.

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