Setting Financial Statement Formatting Options

The Financial Report Builder enables you to set row-level formatting options to give you fine-tuned control over the look of your custom financial statements.


Other formatting options are available in the Financial Report Builder More Options Page. These are report-level, not row-level.

You can set the following format options for all types of rows:

You can set the following additional format options for rows that display amounts, including section account rows, summary rows, and reference rows:

You cannot change whether account numbers are displayed. Account names include account numbers when the accounting preference Use Account Numbers is checked.

To set row-level format options:

  1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.

  2. In the Layout outline, select the row for which you want to set format options.

  3. Make changes in the Format box in the right pane.

    Screenshot showing format options for summary rows on the Edit Layout page of the Financial Report Builder

Changing the Font for a Report Row

By default, all reports are displayed using the Open Sans font. To change the font for a report row, you must enable the related personal preference.

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. On the Analytics subtab, select Customize Font on Financial Reports, and click Save.

This setting changes the default font on your financial reports to Arial and enables you to change to a different font in the Financial Report Builder.

You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. See Giving Access to Financial Statements for more information.

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