Serial and Lot Inventory with Multiple Units of Measure

When you use Multiple Units of Measure with the Serialized Inventory or Lot Tracking features, you have more flexibility on sales and purchases. You can purchase, stock, sell and conduct inventory transactions for items in different units of measure.

Your purchase units for a serial or lot item might differ from the stock units. Also, your stock units might differ from the sale units for a serial or lot item. You can set the units of measure individually for the purchase, stock, and sale of each serial or lot item.

For example, a food distributor tracks goods by assigning a lot number and expiration date to a perishable product, item #4567. This lot numbered product is ordered from the vendor by the truckload. It is stocked at a central warehouse by the pallet. It is sold to customers as single box units. By designating a purchase unit truck, stock unit pallet, and sale unit box, you can accurately use units and quantities on individual transactions.

To use Multiple Units of Measure, first you set up a Units Type and define each unit for that type. For example, you can set up a Units Type called Perishable. Then, set up Perishable units of Truck, Pallet, and Box. You assign a base unit and define each unit in terms of the base. For example, if your base unit is Box, you can define the unit Pallet as 144 boxes.

For more information about setting up units of measure, see Setting Up Units of Measure.

Note the following details when working with units of measure for lot or serial items on transactions and records:

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