Bar Codes and Item Labels

The Bar Coding and Item Labels feature automatically generates a bar code for each item. This bar code is based on the Item Name/Number, or Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), on the item record. Item bar codes are generated based on the contents of the Item Name/Number field in an item record. Most bar codes use a number or alphanumeric string for this field.

Bar codes are also generated for each transaction, as well as serial numbers if you use them.

The NetSuite bar code integration works with any bar code scanner that functions as a keyboard input device. The scanner translates the bar code into text, as if you typed it on the keyboard.

You can input and track information in NetSuite by generating bar codes for each item and transaction. For example, you can:

Bar codes for items can be generated in one of the following formats:

You can indicate which bar code format you are using on a per item basis.

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