Customer Part Number

You can assign the part numbers of your customers to item records. Use customer part numbers, instead of item numbers, to add items to sales orders or invoices. When importing items to these transactions, you can use customer part numbers to reference the items. You can also print transactions that display both items and customer part numbers.


The Customer Part Number feature is available in the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp. To purchase the SuiteApp, contact your account manager. For information about installing the SuiteApp, see Installing the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp.


  • Supports inventory and assembly items only.

  • You you must customize standard and custom roles to include the Enable Customer Part Number box for on each role record. For more information, see Roles and Permissions for Customer Part Number.

  • Following the standard limitation of the CSV import feature, blank values on import files do not clear existing details in line items or records. For example, you import a file with an item and leave the customer part number blank. If the corresponding line item on the sales order has an existing customer part number, that part number is retained after the import. For more information and guidelines, see the following topics:

  • In the item sublist of transactions, you cannot use the Add Multiple and Upsell Items options to add items with customer part numbers.

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