Adding Items to Web Store Categories

You can get your website up and running quickly by making your items available online from your Items list.


Only items that have a price are displayed in the website.

If you are creating a site from your current inventory, making multiple items available online at the same time is the fastest way to create your website. You can do this by editing items in the list.

To mark your items available online from the Items list page:

  1. An Administrator can make sure the Inline Editing feature is enabled at Setup > Company > Enable Features. Click the Company subtab.

  2. After the feature is enabled, a Store Manager or anyone who has access to the list of items can go to Web Site > Publishing > Items.

  3. Select Web Store in the View field, and select the type of item you want to display in the Type field.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. In the Display in Web Site column, mark the items you want to appear online.

After you set items to show online, the items are automatically grouped in the Uncategorized Items list. These items will not appear in your site before they are placed in categories.

To place these items into categories, you can either go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > View Uncategorized Items. You can also expand the Uncategorized Items section on the bottom left of the page at Commerce > Site Builder > Content Management > Content Manager.

From the Uncategorized Items list, open the record for an item you want to place in your site. On the Store subtab of the item record, select a category, enter descriptions, choose images for the item and click Save. Repeat this process for each item you want to publish in your site.


You can publish up to 1,000 items per category. Items in excess of 1,000 are still returned in search results, however, and can still be purchased from search results lists. A warning displays on category records containing more than 1,000 items.

If you want to display uncategorized items on your website, go to the website record (Commerce > Websites > Website List), and under Preferences on the Setup tab, check Show Uncategorized Items.

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