Information Items

An information item is a way of communicating with your customers. Information items can include news articles about your company, pictures, graphics, and more.

For example, Christy's Catering wishes to inform customers about an award they have won. Christy creates an information item about this story for customers to read on its website. Christy even includes a picture of the head chef receiving the award.

Information items appear on tabs in your website. You can group similar information items in categories.

You can create two different types of information items:

Type of Information Item



Text and Images

Displays text and a graphic or picture for your customers to view online.

Use this type to post directions and a picture of your physical location to customers.

Formatted Text

Displays only text on the item detail page.

Use this to include press releases on your website.

Creating Information Items

Both types of information items use the same form for entering data. Text and Image Information Items enable you to include information and images together. Formatted Text Information Items do not display images on the item detail page.

To create an information item:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content > Information Items > New.

  2. Click Text and Image.

  3. At the top of the page, enter a name in the Name field.

  4. On the Basic subtab, enter brief and detailed item descriptions.

    These description fields can have letters, numbers, and basic punctuation. You can also enter basic HTML codes, like bulleted lists, bold characters and underlines, in the text fields.

  5. Check the Featured Item box and enter a featured description, if you want the item to display on the home page of your primary website.

  6. In the Item Drilldown Template field, select an HTML template to set the look and feel of the item page when displayed in your site.

    If you do not select a template here, the item template used by default is the one you select on the Appearance subtab at Commerce > Websites > Website List.

    For more information, see Item and Category Templates.

  7. Use the fields listed below to help customers find items in your site.

    • Page Title – Enter a descriptive title for the item page. For more information, see Adding Page Titles.

    • Meta Tag HTML – Enter HTML for the head section of this item page, including Meta Tag keywords. For more information, see Adding META Tags.

    • Search Keywords – Enter alternate words that customers might use to search for this item in your website. These can include, abbreviations, misspellings, and acronyms. For more information, see Setting Up Alternate Search Keywords.

    • URL Component – Enter a descriptive name for this item to appear in the URL for the item page. For more information, see Descriptive URLs in Site Builder.

  8. Use the following fields to select your preferences if you use a site map:

    • Exclude from Sitemap – Check this box to exclude this item page from your site map.

    • Sitemap Priority – Select an option for displaying the priority of this page in your site map.

      For more information, see Using the Sitemap Generator in Site Builder.

  9. Select one or more Categories in which this item should appear.

  10. Click the Media subtab to choose images for display with the information item:

    • Text and Image Information Items allow you to select an Item Thumbnail image for display on the item list page, and an Item Picture image for display on the item detail page.

    • Formatted Text Information Items allow you to select only a Thumbnail image for display on the item list page.

      For more information about uploading and using images on your web store, see Images

  11. If you use the Multi-Language feature, you can add translations for this item on the Translations subtab.

  12. Click Save.

Your site automatically updates.

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